A Viral Prayer in the Age of COVID-19

Almost one year ago, I knelt on my kitchen floor and scrawled out this prayer. I was stunned and overwhelmed when it went viral, affirming the loving hearts of thousands of people all over the world, connecting me with so many fellow humans determined to love their neighbors in the face of such terror and tragedy. (I have since signed my name to it and spilled coffee on it, which is almost as good as a signature, I think, in terms of identifying me!)

I am honored today to have an essay I wrote about the prayer and the year we have lived since then published at Red Letter Christians. It’s about hope and despair and how I can’t stop clinging to the vision of a better future. Click here to read it.


Circling Around the Mysteries of Our Faith this Lent


No Unlikely Saints: A Lenten Pilgrimage with Sacred Company