No Unlikely Saints: A Lenten Pilgrimage with Sacred Company
Come and journey to the cross this Lent with seven extraordinary women and men of God.
A Consoling Embrace
I’m so happy to announce that my collection of prayers for this time of pandemic has been published by Twenty-Third Publications. The title comes from Pope Francis’ ‘Urbi et Orbi’ blessing, and it’s also my greatest prayer for you: that these words may wrap themselves around your shoulders and give you comfort.
A Guide to Praying Through the News
The news is terrible, every day. I can’t even look at the headlines without dissolving into despair and rage. In this time of isolation, it’s easy to feel like we can’t do anything to help. But I have been working over the past few months to recognize the news as an invitation to embrace my connection to every other human being in the world, every single one of whom bears the image of God. Sitting down with the newspaper has become a beautiful way for me to remember that we are all called, through prayer and action, to participate in the great work of redemption of all creation.
Angels in Blue Gowns
As the coronavirus crisis continues, I am thinking more and more of our healthcare workers, who sacrifice so much for us. Last week the image of angels in blue gowns came to me, and the rest of this prayer quickly followed. Please join me in praying for those who work so hard for us.
Prayer for a Pandemic
When I wrote this prayer a few days ago, I had no idea it would resonate with so many people. I am humbled and awed by the number of you who have shared it and written to express your shared hope and prayers during this truly difficult time.